School Advisory Council

What is School Advisory Committee?

The School Advisory Council is a team of people representing various segments of our school’s community including parents, teachers, administrators, support staff, and community/business partners.

The meetings are held the third Tuesday of the month at 4:30 p.m. in the PVHS Media Center and virtually through Microsoft Teams unless otherwise noted.

We operate under the Florida Sunshine Law, and the public is welcome to all meetings. 

What is the role of School Advisory Committee?

The SAC assists in evaluating and implementing the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and may also assist the principal with the annual school budget. Additionally, SAC maintains its own budget. Every SAC receives funds from the state that are to be used for implementing the School Improvement Plan. This amount is equal to $5.00 per child, so our SAC is receiving approximately $5,000 this year.

These dollars are designated for school improvement purposes only. Staff may request these funds to support training and professional development that is aligned to the goals of our School Improvement Plan, with a maximum of $1,000 available for technology improvements.

Needs Assessment Surveys

What is the School Improvement Plan?

Every school in the state of Florida is required to develop a SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN. Each year our staff and SAC review all relevant data, which includes but is not limited to: state assessment data, progress monitoring, locally developed test scores, needs assessments, attendance records, discipline records, and other feedback as appropriate. From this data, we update our comprehensive plan with strategies for improvement.

State Public Accountability Report

The PVHS State Public Accountability Report is an annual school status report provided by the Florida Department of Education. The report provides information on the status of each school in our district with regard to a number of indicators such as graduation and dropout rates, student performance, school safety and environment, teachers and staff, school performance grade, etc