Hello Shark Family and Friends…The Academies Need Your Help!
Our academy students are hard at work completing a career unit. As a part of the unit, the juniors are preparing for the summer internship program. On Tuesday, March 4th, the academy juniors will participate in a mock interview during their academy class period. The purpose is to prepare them for upcoming and future interviews, including academy internships, summer employment, scholarship opportunities, etc. If you (and/or your colleagues) have current or previous interview experience, we could use your help!
Each interview will run approximately 15 minutes. We will provide instructions, a list of questions (although you may also use your own) and a rubric to give feedback to the students.
Reach out to Marisa Leonard, Career Academy Program Director at [email protected] with any questions OR sign up through our sign-up genius.
Help is needed during periods 1 – 4 from 8:45 – 1:15. Sign up for a few hours or the entire day, we appreciate any time that you can share with our students.