If your child was marked absent for a Single Class and you believe this was done in error, please contact the teacher FIRST.
- You do NOT need to call the school to notify us of an absence.**
- Please make sure the correct Date(s) is labeled on the notes. Incorrect or missing dates on notes will not be entered.
- To request an excused absence, please submit either the Doctors note or the absentee form (Link Below)to the front office within 2 Days (48 hours) of returning to school for each individual absence.
- Please, do not write on, modify, alter or add dates to a Dr note. Any notes that are altered will not be accepted.
- Filling out the Absentee form does not guarantee an excused absence.
- Any student who leaves campus for any reason without permission from the school will receive an automatic permanent unexcused absence for the period(s) missed.
- Submissions of Doctors note & the Absentee form are entered the following day after submission. Please allow 24-48 hours for changes to appear in HAC.
- Only a parent or a legal guardian may fill out the Absentee Form.
- College Tours REQUIRE either a letter from the Admissions Office, a brochure from the college campus or a thank you for your visit letter from the college to excuse. Only Juniors and Seniors will be Pre-Approved.
Pre-Approved Absence forms MUST be submitted prior to the college visit. - Only a Physician’s office is authorized to fax a note for the student to be excused. The fax number is 904-547-7355 – Attention Ponte Vedra HS Attendance Office.
- Please note that students are only allotted one day off for observance of religious holidays.
To learn more about what types of absences are excused, visit the SJCSD attendance website
Pre-approved Absences
- Parents may request pre-approval for an absence by submitting the Pre-Approved Absence Form to the attendance office 5 days prior to the absence.
- This form is paper and pencil and must be signed off by ALL the students Teachers & a PVHS Assistant Principal.
- This form does not guarantee an Excused absence. It is used to inform teachers of absence and for students to get their classwork in advance.
- Note: Documentation is required for all pre-approved absences requests. College visit confirmation emails will be accepted for any college visits.
Early Dismissal Procedures:
- A PARENT or GUARDIAN must submit an early dismissal form by 10am to the attendance office. The student will be issued an early dismissal pass, so they can leave class at the appropriate time.
- Students MUST report to the main office for sign-out. Students who fail to checkout via the main office will have the absence marked as permanently unexcused.
- Parent/Guardian must go to the Front Office to sign the student out and present a valid State or Federal photo ID or Drivers License (Required).
- Students CANNOT submit their own early dismissal form. Students found to be doing so will be referred to the School Deans.
- An early dismissal form is REQUIRED for self drivers and will be confirmed by phone. The Front Office will contact a parent/guardian before a student is allowed to drive off campus early. Please be available and include the best phone number to reach you on the form (Emails, phone calls, and faxes will not be accepted to check-out early).
- Early dismissal from school will always report in HAC as unexcused until a note has been submitted either from a Dr office (if applicable) or written excuse note from the parent. Please use the PVHS Absentee form on the main page under Quick Links>Attendance>PVHS Absentee Form. This form can be dropped off by the student in the main office upon return to school.
Tardy Procedures:

When arriving tardy to school, students must sign in via the front office with a doctor’s note, parent note, or Tardy form. When presenting a doctor’s note or a parent note, please make sure the following is reflected on the note:
- Full Student Name (Please No Nicknames)
- Student ID #
- Todays Date or Date tardy
- Parent or Physician signature *Note: If your student is tardy due to a medical appointment, a note from the physician is necessary for the tardy to be excused.
Examples of excused Tardies:
- Illness
- Physician’s appointment
- Court appearance
- Religious obligation
Examples of Tardies that will not be excused:
- Driver’s license or Passport appointments
- Car trouble (flat tire, dead battery, etc.)
- Heavy traffic
- Inclement weather
- Missed bus

Questions about attendance?
For more information, visit the St. Johns County Student Code of Conduct or the District’s attendance policies. Attendance is on page 18-19
If you have questions about Attendance you can contact our Attendance office by emailing Mrs. Riccardi.