Media Center @PVHS
We provide the community, education, connections, and mentorship to help students and faculty meet their academic and personal goals.
Collaborate, cooperate, communicate – this learning space is for you.

Parents may utilize this form to restrict titles their child may check out in the school library. Please complete the form and return it to your child's teacher or librarian. This form is only required when a parent is seeking to restrict access to materials in the media center.
Click to Search Library Materials
Utilize our adaptive learning space for student and faculty
collaborative work.
Club Meeting
New Student Lunch
So much more!
Try our many resources to build something awesome!
3D Print
Record a Podcast
Virtual Reality
Crafty and Creative

Parents may utilize this form to restrict titles their child may check out in the school library. Please complete the form and return it to your child's teacher or librarian. This form is only required when a parent is seeking to restrict access to materials in the media center.
Ponte Vedra High School’s National English Honor Society students recorded their favorite books.
Grab a copy of the book and read along with a SHARK!
Explore the 16 different areas to complete research. Visit our St. Johns Public Library System for database access.
Know Before You Owe
Students can check to see what materials are assigned to them by visiting:
Click Log In and use your S number and Password
Click on “MY INFO” and this will show all library books, textbooks, and fines that are owed to the Media Center.
If you have lost or damaged a library book, textbook, or AP workbook, please see someone in the Media Center to learn your options
pvhs tiny desk concerts
Recorded live @studio
The gang from Pro Arte stopped by the studio record our first TINY DESK CONCERT! This Chamber Music group practices every week in the CoLab. Enjoy their rendition of The Entertainer by Scott Joplin.
Our team
Mr. Richards: Media Specialist
Mrs. Johnson: Media Assistant
Mrs. Winter: Media Assistant
- As soon as you receive your textbook(s)- WRITE your full name in INK on the inside cover and the school year.
- We recommend keeping your textbook inside a plastic bag while in your backpack to prevent liquid damage from rain, water, or drinks. Any textbook returned with liquid damage will require payment of the full replacement cost of the textbook.
- Make a note of each textbook and its barcode number (it will be on the front or the spine of the book).
- DO NOT share your textbooks and DO NOT leave them in an UNLOCKED locker or in your teachers’ classrooms.
- PLEASE keep track of your textbooks.
- You are financially responsible for any loss or damages to your textbooks. Any fees/fines you incur for textbooks will be charged to your account and will stay on your account through Senior year if not paid or reconciled. This WILL impact schoolwide privileges, activities, and events.
- Remember – each one of these textbooks were checked out to YOU. You are responsible for making sure they are returned in good condition and on time at the end of the school year.
**Florida State Statute outlines textbook responsibilities and accountability: 1006.42
Responsibility of students and parents for instructional materials.—All instructional materials purchased under the provisions of this part are the property of the district school board. When distributed to the students, these instructional materials are on loan to the students while they are pursuing their courses of study and are to be returned at the direction of the school principal or the teacher in charge. Each parent of a student to whom or for whom instructional materials have been issued, is liable for any loss or destruction of, or unnecessary damage to, the instructional materials or for failure of the student to return the instructional materials when directed by the school principal or the teacher in charge, and shall pay for such loss, destruction, or unnecessary damage as provided under s. 1006.28(3).
We don’t charge fines for overdue books. We do charge FULL replacement fees for books damaged by liquids or writing.
If your book is damaged, please stop by CoLab and we will review the material and let you know the replacement price.
8:30-4:00 on M,T,R,F
8:30-3:00 on Wednesday
Contact a media center team member to arrange extra time if needed.