Dual Enrollment – St. Johns River State College

Ponte Vedra High School offers Dual Enrollment Courses through St. Johns River State College. Students who are eligible are allowed to take Dual Enrollment courses at PVHS as well as on St. Johns River State College campus in St. Augustine.

What is Dual Enrollment?

Dual enrollment is a program where eligible high school students attend college classes and earn high school credit and college credit at the same time. The credits that students earn must be applicable toward high school graduation and acceptable toward an Associate or Baccalaureate degree. When a student is Dual Enrolled they can take up to 10 college credits during the fall and spring semester and up to 8 college credits during the summer semester. A dual enrolled student will still be able to take classes on Ponte Vedra High School’s campus. Students can only participate in dual enrollment for either 60 college credit hours or 3 years, whichever comes first.

Who is eligible for Dual Enrollment?

  1. Students who have an overall unweighted 3.0 grade point average.
  2. Students that have appropriate scores for the SAT, ACT, or PERT exams.
  3. Permission from a parent or guardian and your high school counselor.

Students that understand the amount of work necessary to succeed in dual enrollment will be greater than in high school courses.When you take DE courses you are starting your college transcript.

Note: Student must maintain a 3.0 GPA in high school.

Qualifying Test Scores:

Math 123

SAT/ACT/PERT Test Information:

To register for the SAT: www.collegeboard.org

To register for the ACT: www.act.org

To register for the PERT, please contact SJRSC at 386-312-4228

For more information on Dual Enrollment: http://www.sjrstate.edu/dual.html

2020-2021 SJRSC Dual Enrollment Courses offered at Ponte Vedra High School:

ENC 1101 Composition 1: 3 College Credits and 1 High School credit

ENC 1102 Composition 2: 3 College Credits and 1 High School credit

Fall 2020 Dual Enrollment Courses offered at SJRSC campus:

SJRSC Course Catalog: https://web.sjrstate.edu/apex/prod/f?p=132:1:0:::::

How do I get started?

  1. Complete the online application
  2. Turn in a signed application verification page (to your PVHS counselor)
  3. Turn in a copy of test scores with student’s full name on it (to your PVHS counselor)
  4. If you are taking a DE course that is offered on the PVHS campus, have your PVHS counselor put it on your course registration sheet.
  5. If you are taking a DE course on the SJRSC campus or online, visit the online SJRSC course catalog and give a copy of the completed course registration to your PVHS counselor.

Dates and Deadlines:

  • Applications for new Dual Enrollment students open February 3.
  • SJRSC fall course registration availability will open online mid-May.
  • All required DE paperwork will be due to your PVHS School Counselor no later than May22,2020.
  • Students who register for DE courses will receive a SJRSC email address. It is important that students check this email on a regular basis for updates and info from the college.

How do I get my Dual Enrollment textbooks for classes at the SJRSC campus?

Visit the St. Johns County School District’s Dual Enrollment Textbook Requests web page for complete details.