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Afternoon Student Pickup

August 28, 2023

Hello Sharks!

Thank you for your patience and cooperation with our trial run of afternoon parent pick-up in our Blue Lot.  We believe this configuration of car rider pick-up has been successful and we will continue to have car rider pick-up in the Blue Lot.

A few items of note:

  • End of day car rider pick-up will continue to be behind the gym through the Blue Lot. This will be for end of day (3:50pm MTTF, 2:50pm W) only.
  • Parents/guardians should line up at the last Blue Lot gate (3rd entrance after the bus loop) along Davis Park Road until the gate is opened at 3:15pm. Then parents/guardians should loop around and line up against the sidewalk, not going farther than the fire hydrant.
  • Parents/guardians picking up modified/blended students after periods 4, 5, or 6 OR who are picking up students for appointments will continue to pick up in the front of the school.
  • Parents/guardians who participate in feeding athletes for game days are required to arrive on campus before 3:15pm or after 4:15pm only. ONLY parents/guardians who are signed up for that activity through the coach/Athletic Director will be allowed on campus for these activities.
  • Under NO circumstances are cars allowed to circumvent the car rider line. NO parents/guardians, students, athletes, parents helping with athletics, or anyone else is allowed to drive into opposing traffic to skip the line at any time.
  • Please continue to follow the guidance of PVHS staff while in the parking lots.
  • In the event of inclement weather, students will be housed in the gym and parents/guardians should text/call their child when they have passed the football concession stand.

Thank you for your continued cooperation!

PVHS Administration